HSE Consulting
At present, public awareness on environmental and sustainable matters as the highest as ever. While at the same time legislative regulations set upon business operations are getting more and more complex. In all, HSE All Co. understand the struggle of businesses in complying fully with the laws and committing sustainability responsibility to the society.

To meet such challenges, HSE All Co provide effective and quality environmental consulting services for clients in all project stages to ensure the delivery of international-standard environmental performance. We have extensive understanding on environmental legislations in everywhere we operate, particularly in Vietnam. We have deep expertise in a wide range of subjects in mechanical, chemical, biological and environmental engineering in relation to technological processes in energy, mining and manufacturing industries. Our people include seasoned ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 technical auditors and advisors. Together, we can offer seamless and integrated solutions addressing all environmental issues, helping the clients to achieve optimum business performance.

What we offer:
We conduct environmental profile reviews, management auditing, and site survey to ensure the client’s business in compliance to every applied regulation of local laws on environmental protections. We keep the client informed and constantly updated with all effective and latest environmental legislations in addition to analyze and assess the consequences on the business so that legal compliance of the client is totally assured.
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We implement Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for both onshore and offshore industrial projects petroleum, mining, energy, chemical and manufacturing sectors. Our collaborators include environmental and ecological labs conducting air, water, soil, sediment, and marine seabed sampling and analysis. From the collected data on the surrounding environment, we execute GIS-based modeling programs to quantify risks and impacts imposed by the project and identify opportunities of remediation and mitigation. Our EIA process follows all legal requirements of Vietnam as well as standards and guidelines set out by World Bank, Asia Development Bank, and International Finance Corporation.
We can provide the client with a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan (EMP) package which is tailored to meet the owner’s and legal requirements. The EMP is designed orienting to technical processes, operations, and management activities of the business. During the setting up of EMP, we will help identifying optimal waste management procedures and local waste disposal contractors to carry out waste treatment; we organize consultation meetings between the business and local communities and other stakeholders to address and control key environmental aspects; and based on environmental modelling results we are capable of designing cost-effective environmental monitoring program that the best suits the client’s need.
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We understand the environmental liability risks in the world of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) so that we offer an effective package of Environmental Due Diligence (EDD) service to help the client. We conduct site survey, stakeholder consultation, environmental management gap analysis, environmental protection culture benchmarking, and environmental liability detection to assist the client in deal negotiation for mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, sales or leases of businesses/properties.
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Oil Spill Response Plan (OSRP) and Chemical Spill Response Plan (CSRP) are established and updated in accordance to legal requirements and available response resources of where the business operates, including Vietnam, ASEAN member countries and international water. We can provide additional values via executing statistic/trajectory spill modeling software in conjunction with complete set of Environmental Sensitivity Index Map (ESI Map) of Vietnamese coastline to recommend optimized spill combating strategies for reducing damage and loss to the environment and the coastal community, in order to mitigate legal liability of the business in the event of spill accident.
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We have capabilities of running environmental modeling tools including Air Quality Modeling, Oil Spill Modeling, Mud Dispersion Modeling (for mud streams such as disposed drilling mud at sea), Cutting Dispersion Modeling, and Thermal Liquid Dispersion Modeling (such as disposal of produced water at sea). Modelling results are incorporated into digitized maps in GIS-based software suites to provide professional visual perspective.
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HSEAll Consulting provides basic, intermediate and advanced training courses on Environment Management and Engineering. Major trainning programs are categorized into three key subjects: Introductory Environmental Legislation, Environmental Protection Awareness, and HSE Management Trainning. The trainning programs are designed to provide necessary competence and skills towards an effective implementation of HSE activities.
